这个三维图形是基于较早之前的一篇VB.NET的教程文章【Rotating Solid Cube Using VB.NET and GDI+】中所给出的代码基础上完成的。
New Point3D(-1 * d, 1 * d, -1 * d),
New Point3D( 1 * d, 1 * d, -1 * d),
New Point3D( 1 * d, -1 * d, -1 * d),
New Point3D(-1 * d, -1 * d, -1 * d),
New Point3D(-1 * d, 1 * d, 1 * d),
New Point3D( 1 * d, 1 * d, 1 * d),
New Point3D( 1 * d, -1 * d, 1 * d),
New Point3D(-1 * d, -1 * d, 1 * d)
''' <summary>
''' Defines the Point3D class that represents points in 3D space with <see cref="Single"/> precise.
''' Developed by leonelmachava <leonelmachava@gmail.com>
''' http://codentronix.com
''' Copyright (c) 2011 Leonel Machava
''' </summary>
<XmlType("vertex")> Public Structure Point3D
Implements PointF3D
''' <summary>
''' The depth of a point in the isometric plane
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
Public ReadOnly Property Depth As Double
' z is weighted slightly to accommodate |_ arrangements
Return Me.X + Me.Y - 2 * Me.Z
End Get
End Property
<XmlAttribute("x")> Public Property X As Double Implements PointF3D.X
<XmlAttribute("y")> Public Property Y As Double Implements PointF3D.Y
<XmlAttribute("z")> Public Property Z As Double Implements PointF3D.Z
Public Sub New(x!, y!, Optional z! = 0)
Me.X = x
Me.Y = y
Me.Z = z
End Sub
Public Sub New(p As PointF, z!)
Me.X = p.X
Me.Y = p.Y
Me.Z = z
End Sub
Public Sub New(p As Point)
Call Me.New(p.X, p.Y)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Me.GetJson
End Function
End Structure
' X-axis rotation looks like Z-axis rotation if replace:
' X axis with Y axis
' Y axis with Z axis
' Z axis with X axis
' So we do the same replacement in the equations:
' y' = y*cos(q) - z*sin(q)
' z' = y*sin(q) + z*cos(q)
' x' = x
' |1 0 0 0|
' Rx(q) = |0 cos(q) sin(q) 0|
' |0 -sin(q) cos(q) 0|
' |0 0 0 1|
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="angle">Degree.(度,函数里面会自动转换为三角函数所需要的弧度的)</param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function RotateX(angle As Single) As Point3D
Dim rad As Single, cosa As Single, sina As Single, yn As Single, zn As Single
rad = angle * stdNum.PI / 180
cosa = stdNum.Cos(rad)
sina = stdNum.Sin(rad)
yn = Me.Y * cosa - Me.Z * sina
zn = Me.Y * sina + Me.Z * cosa
Return New Point3D(Me.X, yn, zn)
End Function
' Y-axis rotation looks like Z-axis rotation if replace:
' X axis with Z axis
' Y axis with X axis
' Z axis with Y axis
' So we do the same replacement in equations :
' z' = z*cos(q) - x*sin(q)
' x' = z*sin(q) + x*cos(q)
' y' = y
' |cos(q) 0 -sin(q) 0|
' Ry(q) = | 0 1 0 0|
' |sin(q) 0 cos(q) 0|
' | 0 0 0 1|
Public Function RotateY(angle As Single) As Point3D
Dim rad As Single, cosa As Single, sina As Single, Xn As Single, Zn As Single
rad = angle * stdNum.PI / 180
cosa = stdNum.Cos(rad)
sina = stdNum.Sin(rad)
Zn = Me.Z * cosa - Me.X * sina
Xn = Me.Z * sina + Me.X * cosa
Return New Point3D(Xn, Me.Y, Zn)
End Function
' Z-axis rotation is identical to the 2D case:
' x' = x*cos q - y*sin q
' y' = x*sin q + y*cos q
' z' = z
' | cos q sin q 0 0|
' Rz (q) = |-sin q cos q 0 0|
' | 0 0 1 0|
' | 0 0 0 1|
Public Function RotateZ(angle As Single) As Point3D
Dim rad As Single, cosa As Single, sina As Single, Xn As Single, Yn As Single
rad = angle * stdNum.PI / 180
cosa = stdNum.Cos(rad)
sina = stdNum.Sin(rad)
Xn = Me.X * cosa - Me.Y * sina
Yn = Me.X * sina + Me.Y * cosa
Return New Point3D(Xn, Yn, Me.Z)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Project the 3D point to the 2D screen. By using the projection result,
''' just read the property <see cref="Projection.PointXY"/>.
''' (将3D投影为2D,所以只需要取结果之中的<see cref="X"/>和<see cref="Y"/>就行了)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="viewWidth"></param>
''' <param name="viewHeight"></param>
''' <param name="fov">256默认值</param>
''' <param name="viewDistance"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function Project(viewWidth%, viewHeight%, fov%, viewDistance!, Optional offset As PointF = Nothing) As Point3D
Dim factor As Single, Xn As Single, Yn As Single
factor = fov / (viewDistance + Me.Z)
Xn = Me.X * factor + viewWidth / 2 + offset.X
Yn = Me.Y * factor + viewHeight / 2 + offset.Y
Return New Point3D(Xn, Yn, Me.Z)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Object model that using for the 3D graphics.
''' (进行实际3D绘图操作的对象模型,这个对象实际上就是相当于Path3D??)
''' </summary>
Public Structure Surface
Implements IEnumerable(Of Point3D)
Implements I3DModel
''' <summary>
''' Vertix in this list have the necessary element orders
''' for construct a correct closed figure.
''' (请注意,在这里面的点都是有先后顺序分别的)
''' </summary>
Public vertices() As Point3D
''' <summary>
''' Drawing texture material of this surface.
''' </summary>
Public brush As Brush
Sub New(v As Point3D(), b As Brush)
brush = b
vertices = v
End Sub
Public Sub Draw(ByRef canvas As IGraphics, camera As Camera) Implements I3DModel.Draw
Dim path = New PointF(vertices.Length - 1) {}
Dim polygon As New GraphicsPath
For Each pt As SeqValue(Of Point3D) In camera.Project(vertices).SeqIterator
path(pt.i) = pt.value.PointXY(camera.screen)
Dim a As PointF = path(0)
Dim b As PointF
For i As Integer = 1 To path.Length - 1
b = path(i)
polygon.AddLine(a, b)
a = b
Call polygon.AddLine(a, path(0))
Call polygon.CloseFigure()
Call canvas.DrawPath(Pens.Black, polygon)
End Sub
End Structure
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