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这个三维图形是基于较早之前的一篇VB.NET的教程文章【Rotating Solid Cube Using VB.NET and GDI+】中所给出的代码基础上完成的。


   New Point3D(-1 * d,  1 * d, -1 * d),
   New Point3D( 1 * d,  1 * d, -1 * d),
   New Point3D( 1 * d, -1 * d, -1 * d),
   New Point3D(-1 * d, -1 * d, -1 * d),
   New Point3D(-1 * d,  1 * d,  1 * d),
   New Point3D( 1 * d,  1 * d,  1 * d),
   New Point3D( 1 * d, -1 * d,  1 * d),
   New Point3D(-1 * d, -1 * d,  1 * d)


''' <summary>
''' Defines the Point3D class that represents points in 3D space with <see cref="Single"/> precise.
''' Developed by leonelmachava <leonelmachava@gmail.com>
''' http://codentronix.com
''' Copyright (c) 2011 Leonel Machava
''' </summary>
<XmlType("vertex")> Public Structure Point3D
    Implements PointF3D

    ''' <summary>
    ''' The depth of a point in the isometric plane
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public ReadOnly Property Depth As Double
            ' z is weighted slightly to accommodate |_ arrangements 
            Return Me.X + Me.Y - 2 * Me.Z
        End Get
    End Property

    <XmlAttribute("x")> Public Property X As Double Implements PointF3D.X
    <XmlAttribute("y")> Public Property Y As Double Implements PointF3D.Y
    <XmlAttribute("z")> Public Property Z As Double Implements PointF3D.Z

    Public Sub New(x!, y!, Optional z! = 0)
        Me.X = x
        Me.Y = y
        Me.Z = z
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(p As PointF, z!)
        Me.X = p.X
        Me.Y = p.Y
        Me.Z = z
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(p As Point)
        Call Me.New(p.X, p.Y)
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return Me.GetJson
    End Function
End Structure




' X-axis rotation looks like Z-axis rotation if replace:
'  X axis with Y axis
'  Y axis with Z axis
'  Z axis with X axis
' So we do the same replacement in the equations:
' y' = y*cos(q) - z*sin(q)
' z' = y*sin(q) + z*cos(q)
' x' = x
'         |1      0       0   0|
' Rx(q) = |0  cos(q)  sin(q)  0|
'         |0 -sin(q)  cos(q)  0|
'         |0      0       0   1|
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="angle">Degree.(度,函数里面会自动转换为三角函数所需要的弧度的)</param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function RotateX(angle As Single) As Point3D
    Dim rad As Single, cosa As Single, sina As Single, yn As Single, zn As Single

    rad = angle * stdNum.PI / 180
    cosa = stdNum.Cos(rad)
    sina = stdNum.Sin(rad)
    yn = Me.Y * cosa - Me.Z * sina
    zn = Me.Y * sina + Me.Z * cosa
    Return New Point3D(Me.X, yn, zn)
End Function

' Y-axis rotation looks like Z-axis rotation if replace:
'  X axis with Z axis
'  Y axis with X axis
'  Z axis with Y axis
' So we do the same replacement in equations :
' z' = z*cos(q) - x*sin(q)
' x' = z*sin(q) + x*cos(q)
' y' = y
'         |cos(q)  0  -sin(q)  0|
' Ry(q) = |    0   1       0   0|
'         |sin(q)  0   cos(q)  0|
'         |    0   0       0   1|
Public Function RotateY(angle As Single) As Point3D
    Dim rad As Single, cosa As Single, sina As Single, Xn As Single, Zn As Single

    rad = angle * stdNum.PI / 180
    cosa = stdNum.Cos(rad)
    sina = stdNum.Sin(rad)
    Zn = Me.Z * cosa - Me.X * sina
    Xn = Me.Z * sina + Me.X * cosa

    Return New Point3D(Xn, Me.Y, Zn)
End Function

' Z-axis rotation is identical to the 2D case:
' x' = x*cos q - y*sin q
' y' = x*sin q + y*cos q
' z' = z
'          | cos q  sin q  0  0|
' Rz (q) = |-sin q  cos q  0  0|
'          |     0      0  1  0|
'          |     0      0  0  1|
Public Function RotateZ(angle As Single) As Point3D
    Dim rad As Single, cosa As Single, sina As Single, Xn As Single, Yn As Single

    rad = angle * stdNum.PI / 180
    cosa = stdNum.Cos(rad)
    sina = stdNum.Sin(rad)
    Xn = Me.X * cosa - Me.Y * sina
    Yn = Me.X * sina + Me.Y * cosa
    Return New Point3D(Xn, Yn, Me.Z)
End Function


''' <summary>
''' Project the 3D point to the 2D screen. By using the projection result, 
''' just read the property <see cref="Projection.PointXY"/>.
''' (将3D投影为2D,所以只需要取结果之中的<see cref="X"/>和<see cref="Y"/>就行了)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="viewWidth"></param>
''' <param name="viewHeight"></param>
''' <param name="fov">256默认值</param>
''' <param name="viewDistance"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function Project(viewWidth%, viewHeight%, fov%, viewDistance!, Optional offset As PointF = Nothing) As Point3D
    Dim factor As Single, Xn As Single, Yn As Single

    factor = fov / (viewDistance + Me.Z)
    Xn = Me.X * factor + viewWidth / 2 + offset.X
    Yn = Me.Y * factor + viewHeight / 2 + offset.Y

    Return New Point3D(Xn, Yn, Me.Z)
End Function



''' <summary>
''' Object model that using for the 3D graphics.
''' (进行实际3D绘图操作的对象模型,这个对象实际上就是相当于Path3D??)
''' </summary>
Public Structure Surface
    Implements IEnumerable(Of Point3D)
    Implements I3DModel

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Vertix in this list have the necessary element orders
    ''' for construct a correct closed figure.
    ''' (请注意,在这里面的点都是有先后顺序分别的)
    ''' </summary>
    Public vertices() As Point3D
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Drawing texture material of this surface.
    ''' </summary>
    Public brush As Brush

    Sub New(v As Point3D(), b As Brush)
        brush = b
        vertices = v
    End Sub

    Public Sub Draw(ByRef canvas As IGraphics, camera As Camera) Implements I3DModel.Draw
        Dim path = New PointF(vertices.Length - 1) {}
        Dim polygon As New GraphicsPath

        For Each pt As SeqValue(Of Point3D) In camera.Project(vertices).SeqIterator
            path(pt.i) = pt.value.PointXY(camera.screen)

        Dim a As PointF = path(0)
        Dim b As PointF

        For i As Integer = 1 To path.Length - 1
            b = path(i)
            polygon.AddLine(a, b)
            a = b

        Call polygon.AddLine(a, path(0))
        Call polygon.CloseFigure()
        Call canvas.DrawPath(Pens.Black, polygon)
    End Sub
End Structure
高级数据科学家 at 苏州帕诺米克
Working on Engineered bacteria CAD design on its genome from scratch. Writing scientific computing software for Tianhe & Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. Do scientific computing programming in R/R# language, he is also the programming language designer of the R# language on the .NET runtime.
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July 2024
  1. 针对图对象进行向量化表示嵌入: 首先,通过node2vec方法,将node表示为向量 第二步,针对node向量矩阵,进行umap降维计算,对node进行排序,生成node排序序列 第三步,针对node排序序列进行SGT序列图嵌入,实现将网络图对象嵌入为一维向量