使用轨迹推断(TI,trajectory inference)的方法可以根据测序的细胞(瞬时状态)之间表达模式的相似性对单细胞沿着轨迹进行排序,以此来模拟细胞动态变化的过程。也就是重建分化轨迹或者拟时间轴。
RNA 速率(RNA velocity)
基于RNA velocity的轨迹推断:
- 特定基因的转录诱导导致(新转录的)前体未剪接mRNA的增加,
- 转录的抑制或缺失导致未剪接mRNA的减少。
Guangzheng Weng, Junil Kim, Kyoung Jae Won, VeTra: a tool for trajectory inference based on RNA velocity, Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 20, 15 October 2021, Pages 3509–3513, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab364
VeTra groups the cells belonging to the same stream of trajectory
VeTra performs lineage tracing from the root to the terminal states by grouping cells based on the similarity in direction of cell transition.
所以基于前面所描述的RNA速率在不同细胞间的差异, VeTra可以通过基于组成相似度的计算方法进行轨迹建模
This enables VeTra to perform TI without prior knowledge or predefined lineage topology.
1. 算法描述
VeTra reconstructs the pseudo-temporal order of cells based on the coordinates and the velocity vector of cells in the low-dimensional embedding.
The velocity vectors are estimated by extrapolating the spliced/unspliced read ratio to the local neighboring cells (La Manno et al., 2018).
RNA速率向量就是 某一个细胞A的剪切/未剪切mRNA的比例值 与 其某一个最邻近细胞B的剪切/未剪切mRNA的比例值 构成的向量
对最邻近细胞的定义: 将单细胞数据进行UMAP降维至二维空间之后,细胞的状态位置可以通过两个UMAP分量构成的平面坐标来表示,则可以基于低维度嵌入结果上的KNN搜索得到某一个细胞A的最邻近细胞B
任意两个最邻近细胞的两个mRNA比例值既可以构成一个从零出发的二维向量,这个二维向量就是RNA velocity向量
Given velocity vectors, VeTra reconstructs multiple directed graphs.
To link cells based on transition, k nearest neighbors of a cell with similar direction are selected
using cosine similarity (cos1) .
Among them, the nearby cell located upstream with the highest cosine similarity (cos2) is selected
这样基于任意两个RNA velocity二维向量,就可以进行cos相似度计算
Once all cells were investigated for their next transition, multiple directed graphs are
obtained. To find a coarse-grained structure of the directed graph, VeTra identifies WCCs where every cell is reachable from every other cell regardless of the direction of relationships
在前面所得到的有向图基础之上,算法会将图中的弱连接子图(WCCs, weak connection components)识别出来。产生网络集群社区划分结果。即可以将整个网络划分为不同颜色的聚类簇。
The grouped WCCs using a hierarchical clustering algorithm.
2. VeTra reconstructs single-cell trajectories for multiple cell lineages
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